Advance Your

Cybersecurity Curriculum


In today's fast-paced digital landscape, cybersecurity presents an ever-evolving challenge that requires a high level of dynamic knowledge. Leveraging Haiku, your school can effortlessly stay ahead, maintain relevance, and boost revenue.

Teacher helping her student in computer class at the university
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College Students

5 out of 30 college students switched
to a cybersecurity major after playing Haiku


Increase in Diversity

60% of the students who switched majors to cybersecurity were women


Skills Increase

24% average increase in cybersecurity skills after 70 minutes of game immersion

3.5 Million

Global Jobs

There will be 3.5 million global unfilled cyber jobs in 2025, 3M+ of which are English speaking.


Your Students

Game-Based Learning

Haiku leverages a RPG (role playing game) structure to help students internalize the skills they are learning. With each mission, students understand how the real Linux operating system works and how to control tools like:

And More

Nice Framework Alignment

At Haiku, we take education to the next level by not only teaching essential skills but also aligning our training with the NICE Framework. This ensures that students not only grasp the practical skills they are learning but also understand how these skills can be applied in real-life scenarios.

Real World Scenarios

Help students develop real offensive, defensive, and forensic cybersecurity skills on full networks with multiple servers and face real-world challenges such as:

Forensic Challenges
Real Time Cyber Defense
Buffer Overflows

Career Connections

Haiku Job Connect offers a valuable opportunity for students to understand the practical application of the skills they acquire through our range of programs. By showcasing real jobs that require these skills, students gain a deeper understanding of their potential career paths. In addition, our innovative Haiku Skillz Resume™ empowers students to highlight the hands-on experience they have gained in various skills, enabling them to stand out to potential employers.


Your Program

Add New Curriculum Quickly

With the patented Haiku Forge™ tool any user can drag and drop new hands-on training curriculum to create courses, quizzes and scenarios to train both hard and soft skills.


Why Haiku?

We built Haiku based upon the principle that skills can be better internalized into long term memory by using the ways in which games teach us. We are teamed with Carnegie Mellon University’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute to help integrate learning engineering into Haiku.


Our Products

Game-Based Skills Training


Haiku is the first of its kind RPG game that teaches you real-world cybersecurity skills which align with Certified Ethical Hacker training.


  • Beginner and Intermediate Cybersecurity Courses
  • Teachers looking to help students learn computer and cybersecurity fundamental skills
Haiku Pro Long LP-1
Haiku Pro logo icon
Simulate Real World Experiences

Haiku Pro

Haiku Pro provides an "open world" series of cloud based networks where Trainees can practice their skills on real computer networks.


  • Intermediate and Advanced Cybersecurity Courses
  • Teachers focusing on applying cybersecurity skills to real world gamified applications


Haiku In Action

Haiku and San Diego State University


Haiku solutions are strategically positioned to assist SDSU in fulfilling its goal of attracting, training, and preparing the future generation of cybersecurity professionals.

By integrating Haiku products into their curriculum, SDSU is now able to establish a comprehensive workforce solution, effectively fast-tracking highly skilled students into the cybersecurity workforce.

"Haiku solutions will help SDSU students go from zero to hero in a very short period of time"
- John Callahan
Director, Cyber Tech Academy, SDSU

Unlock Your Potential Today!

Discover the power of Haiku in revolutionizing your cybersecurity training curriculum! Contact us and try it out for free first!

Turn Your Students into Cyber Professionals